Senin, 19 Maret 2012

My Reflection in Micro Teaching Class (Part V) -Teaching’s Practice-

This week, I got a chance to do my micro teaching class for fifteen minutes. I was curious and nervous at that time. It was the first time for me to teach in front of my friends and my lecturer. However, it was very interesting and exciting. I pretended as a teacher and my friends pretended as the first grade students in senior high school. I could feel what my friends felt in the previous meeting. I did some mistakes at first because I was very nervous at that time. However, after I could solve my nervous, I did my microteaching well.

I taught about narrative which focused on speaking. First, I gave them greeting by saying good morning. Then, I asked them about their feeling and condition in that day. After that, I reviewed the previous lesson. It was about recount. I asked my students to remain about the purpose and generic structure of recount. My students were very exciting at that time. Then, I told them that we wanted to learn about narrative at that time. I asked them about what they still remembered about narrative because they had learned it when they were in junior high school. I used whiteboard as the media so that all students could see what we learned in that day. After explaining the lesson, I gave them a task in pair. I gave them some pictures, then they had to arrange it in a good order based on their feeling or imagination. Later on, they had to make a story based on the arranged-picture. I gave them 3 minutes to do it. Then, I asked some students to come in front to present their tasks. At the end of the class, I asked them to review what we had learned that day. I asked about the purpose and generic structure of narrative.

After doing my micro teaching’s practice, two friends of mine who acted as observers gave comments.

1. Positive comments :

- Set induction was good because I reviewed my previous material (recount).

- Set closure was good because I summarized today’s lesson.

- I looked confident.

- I mastered my materials well.

- My voice including the pronunciation was clear.

- My movement was good because I went around the class to help each student and asked them one by one.

- I involved the students in a class activity.

- I used the media (whiteboard and pictures).

- I spoke fluent.

2. Negative comments :

- I should give the example of narrative text.

- I had to be more serious to control the class.

- I had to speak louder.

- I should try to control the whole class.

In my opinion, the comments are really helpful for me to improve my teaching skills. Therefore, I can do the next class teaching well. The positive comments are very important for me to defend what are good. The negative comments are also important to check my weaknesses. Then, I have to improve it. It is also like the motivation for me. I conclude that I have to improve my skill in the class management because it is very difficult for me to control the class, to make my students concentrate in the teaching-learning activities.

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