Senin, 12 Maret 2012

My Reflection in Micro Teaching Class (Part IV) -Teaching’s Practice-

I learned a lot of things about how to teach well in this class. In this time, we did some practice to conduct the class. The class was divided into two groups. In each group, they have to teach other friends in the group for 15 minutes; 5 minutes for set induction; 5 minutes for main activities; and 5 minutes for set closure. Then, they were observed by 2 students. It was so interesting because we had to apply what we have learned from the first semester up to now. We pretended as a teacher and others as students in elementary school, junior high school, or senior high school. In the end, we concluded some notes, they were:

1. The use of “pause”

ð Pause is very important to give time for students to absorb and comprehend what they have learned. Therefore, the teachers do not have to teach 2 hours continuously. It will make the students feel tired and stressful.

2. The use of translation and media

ð Teachers have to know when they have to translate the words or sentences in English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English. Teachers also have to be creative and innovative in using the media. Media is very important to encourage the students in learning something. It can motivate and attract the students to learn.

3. Pronunciation

ð Teachers have to pronounce the words in right way to make the students pronounce well, too.

4. Interaction style

ð Using many variation in interaction style is very important to avoid boredom both teachers and students.

5. Genre-based teaching

ð Teachers should know that the main point of reading is not only introducing the texts’ genre but they have to teach about the reading skills; how to skimming and scanning.

6. Minimum requirements

ð Teachers have to pay attention about the minimum requirements. If the teachers are wrong, then the students are also wrong in writing.

By seeing my friends’ performances, I know how I have to do when I have a chance in doing the microteaching. I can learn many things from my friends’ weaknesses.

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