Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

My Reflection in Micro Teaching Class (Part III) -Classroom Management-

In the previous weeks, I have learned about the characteristics of being a good teacher and also the teaching’s skills. Then, in the third week, I learned about delivery and stimulus variation skills, reinforcement of student participation, and also questioning skills. These things are very important because those relate to the classroom management, how the teacher can manage and handle the class in teaching and learning process.

A. Delivery and stimulus variation skills

ð Purpose : the teacher’ skill to deliver the materials and to stimulate the students in teaching-learning activity in the class. Therefore, they can be more active and enthusiastic. These are also to avoid boredom and apathy.

In this part, I learned many things, from the small things up to the big things. I learned that being a teacher is not easy. Teachers have to manage the class well. They have to pay attention to their appearance and performance in the class because it will influence many things related to their students; for example, teacher’s movement, teacher’s gesture, teacher’s voice, teacher’s silence, interaction style, and also eye contact and movement.

1. Teacher’s Movement

è It involves overall physical movement in order to handle the class and also to make more intimate atmosphere in the teacher-student interrelationship.

Example: - Move freely and relaxed to control the students’ behavior.

- Never write on the board while talking to make the clear explanation to the students.

- Looking to the students while explaining the lesson.

- Move away from the student asking the question to encourage student to speak louder in order to make the other students hear the question.

- Move slowly from back to the front in order to observe the whole class.

2. Teacher’s gesture

è It is about the teacher’s body movement in order to communicate to the student using body language to make a meaningful idea from the lesson so that the students will be more understandable.

Example: - Moving the hands or finger when explaining.

- Nodding the head to show agreement.

- Raising the eyebrows high to show teacher interest and adoration.

- Clapping hands to attract student’s attention.

3. Teacher’s voice

è It is about the teacher’s style and pitch control voice.

Example: - Speak attractively and energetically.

- Speak loudly enough.

4. Teacher’s silence

è Silence does not mean anything, but it means everything. In this case, teacher silence is to make the students can grab and comprehend what the teacher has explained.

Example: - Using a short pause after explaining a long material.

5. Interaction style

è There are teacher-students interaction style, teacher-student interaction style, and students-students interaction style. Teacher has to make sure which one should be used in the class at the right time. It depends on the class condition and the subject.

6. Eye contact and Movement

è It has a purpose to make a good interaction among the teacher and students for arousing a good emotion between them.

Example: - Look at the students while explaining.

Those skills are really interesting because not all of the skills I met in all of my experiences when I was studying in elementary school till senior high school. Now, I understand that to be a teacher is not easy. I have to use all the things and skills to teach the class. I have to use all of my creativities to avoid boredom and also to make my students later on to comprehend what I have taught.

B. Reinforcement of student participation

ð Purpose: It is to gives positive feedbacks to encourage students to be enthusiast in teaching and learning process.

Reinforcement can be verbal (using words to compliment) and non-verbal (using gesture and facial expression).

In my opinion, reinforcement is really important because students will feel that the teacher pays attention to them when they are trying to answer the questions. Although the students’ answers are not precise, the reinforcement should be given to them to make that the teacher respects and appreciates their efforts in the teaching and learning process.

C. Questioning skills

Purpose: - To increase students’ participation (to be active in the teaching-learning process).

- To arouse the students interest and their curiosity.

- To guide students to find a good and correct answer.

- To help students concentrate on the topic.

The important factors in questioning skills:

a. Clarity and relevance

The questions must be short and clear to the students.

b. Speed and pauses

There is must have pause between one question to other questions to give the students time to think the answers.

c. Distribution of questions

The questions must be distributed for all students in the classroom, not just for several students.

d. Reinforcement techniques

The reinforcement should be used following the students’ answer so that they can be encouraged to participate in the teaching and learning process.

e. Prompting and probing

It is to increase the quantity and quality of the students’ answer.

In my opinion, questioning skills are so important in the classroom. These skills build the interaction between teacher and students in the class and also arouse the students’ understanding about the topic which they are discussed in the class. Questioning skills also encourage the students to be critical when they are thinking. Moreover, the students can encourage the students to be active and brave in the classroom.

In this occasion, I also learned how to conduct the class. Based on my friend’s experience, as a teacher, I have to be more sensitive in the class. I have to know what my students needs so that it can be easy for me to conduct or manage the class. I also learned that as a teacher, I have to master the subject which I am going to teach. The preparation like handout, time allocation, and worksheet, should be prepared well.

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