Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

My Final Project of Moral Theology


A. Why is the matter?

The first think that I know about Earth is its shape, round. Round, it means that there is no end. In the round you can’t find the side, you can’t know where are the first and last lines. You just find that round is symbol of the endless. How about the earth? Does it have no end like its shape? If the answer is ‘yes’, maybe everyone in the world is happy to know it. Unfortunately, the earth isn’t eternal as we wish.

Now, sun is 5 billion years old and it is a half of its age. There is a research about sun that sun will become a big red star then change into ‘planetari nebula’ next 5 billion years. Sun is a prime energy for all people in earth. We can live because there is a sun which always gives us a shine which makes a lot of trees can live and so do we. Then what will happen if sun doesn’t exist again? Our earth will be broken or maybe missed. There is no life in earth. No humans, animals, and no life. What a terrific condition it is!

So, Earth will be broken in the next 5 billion years because the sun doesn’t exist. Do you agree with the statement? I don’t agree. Maybe next 1 million years again earth will be broken. Why? It’s because the manner of human itself. We know that there is much destruction which has happened in our earth. The primary issue is about the climate change. There are a lot of incidents which has happened in the earth, such as tundra melts in Alsaka, an island in Pasific from the part of Tuvalu country is sunk, the barren area are increased in Mongolia, ice layer in Peru is lost, and there are flood and storm in China which make erosion.

B. The problem

What will happen again next time? There are many possibilities. The main problem is the climate change in earth. Now, the climate has changed so make a global warming in the earth. Since 1900, the temperature of earth has increased 0.7 C. We can see there is much destruction which happens because of it. The climate changes more quickly than before. It is caused by people who don’t want aware of earth. Our economy and industry has advanced than before, but people forget to think the effect of the revolution itself, especially the effect of revolution industry.

Since the revolution industry happens, there are many incidents in our earth which make the destruction. It happens because many people don’t want aware of the revolution industry effect, whereas it makes a greenhouse. How can earth exist longer if we are as the inhabitants don’t want aware about it? All people just want to find profit for itself without aware of the effect that will happen in the next time.

There are many vehicles which are used. It makes the emission gas in earth increased then will make the temperature increased also. Trees are the answer to make the emission gas in earth lower. However, trees will produce oxygen and it can absorb the carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one of the elements which make the temperature in earth increased. So, if there are a lot of trees in our earth, it can make the temperature of earth stable. Then we can save the earth from the damaged. Unfortunately, the facts make us disappointed. You can see now, how many trees in the forest now? The trees in the forest decrease so quick, it is because humans itself who don’t want aware about it. The deforestation happens everywhere, it makes the destruction, included for our earth. It cuts back the age of earth. However, Earth is our place to live. If the earth is broken, what will we do? Where will we live? How about our descendants? The problem of the earth is our problem also and it is a big problem for all people in the world who live in earth.

C. The explanation why I concern about earth

There is just one reason why I concern about earth. It is because I’m very apprehensive about the condition of earth in the future. What will happen in earth next time if there are only a few people who concern about it? All people have to realize that earth is our home. We must keep it because all people in the world need earth. They also must realize what we have done now. It will be a cause in the future. Everyone doesn’t want to look their descendants extinct. So, it’s good for us to save earth, not only for us but for our descendants.

Mark Lynas is the author who has written a book, “Hide Tide : The Truth about Our Climate Crisis”. In his book, he explains that if the temperature of the earth is increased, the climate change happens so it can be disasters. He explains about what will happen in the future if the temperature increases.

1. Upsurge 1 C, Arctic will lose the ice in a half year. It will make a terrific storm in South Atlantic and drought in USA.

1. Upsurge 2 C, the ice layer in the Greenland is missed and the surface of the sea is increased 7 meters. Pole bears must do hard to live when the ice layer is missed.

2. Upsurge 3 C, the forest in Amazon will be drought. In Europe, the summer will be very hot than before and then the people from sub tropic area will move to the area which is located near the equator.

3. Upsurge 4 C, the part of Antartic will sink and the temperature in London is 45 in the summer.

4. Upsurge 5 C, the ice in the both poles has melted. The existence near shore will be died.

5. Upsurge 6 C, this is the end of the civilization of humans, 95 % the existence of all creatures will be extinct.

That’s why I concern about the earth. Now, the level of carbon dioxide in the earth is 380 ppm. It means that the upsurge temperature of the earth is between 1 C and 2 C. So, our duty is to make it lower by decrease the carbon dioxide such as, be economical when we use energy, don’t cut the trees but we must plant many trees.

A. Bibliography

1. http://ilmuphotoshop.com/2009/04/03/masa-depan-planet-bumi/

2. http://lubanghitam.com/2009/11/matahari/

3. http://langitselatan.com/2008/02/09/global-warming-apa-dan-mengapa/

4. http://sains.kompas.com/read/2010/03/01/07320067/Cermin.dari.Perubahan.Iklim

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