Kamis, 15 April 2010

AN AUTHOR ==> My Dream

Since I was in Junior High School, I have liked writing. So, my dream is I want to be an author. When I was in Senior High School, I joined Journalism Extracurricular. It was really exciting for me. Every year, we published 3 magazines. "KHARISMA" was the name. Now, I'm studying in SADAR University in English Education Study Program. Actually, If I will have graduated from here, I want to work in Magazine or Newspaper Company. For me, Writing is a part of my life.

Actually, I like reading too. Everyday, I always browse new news in the internet because I don't have a television in my boarding house. Ehm, if you want to see my written, you can see it in my facebook account. I write it in the note. I don't write it everyday but if I have an inspiration I can write it as fast as plane. Hahahahahahahx. Allay. My friends always ask to me, "Why didn't you choose English Letter?" If they ask that, I just give them smile. It's a good question and smart question. I have thought it before I choose English Education Study Program as my first choice. Becoming an English Teacher isn't my first dream, but it's my second dream.

I want to finish my study just 4 years. Then, if I have money, I will continue my study to get S2. But, I try to get a scholarship to help my parents. Actually, If I don't continue it, I will apply for being an English teacher. Then, I will try to write a book or an article, because I'm teacher so I will focus on education. I really want to help children who don't have money but really want to study. So, I want to vacate my time to help them by teaching them. I hope in the future, education will be cheaper than now. But, maybe it's impossible.

I want to marry not more than 30 years old. I have a dream to go to British an French because I like the scenery of that country. It has a lot of old buildings which very beautiful in artistic. I want to go to Eiffel. But, I am not interested with "BULE", I like Indonesian. Maybe, if I will have married, I want to get my honeymoon in British or French. Hahahahahahahhax.......

I hope it can be true.

9 komentar:

  1. you MUST help me to write my essay....

  2. Wow.. may be you could teach me about journalistic.. he..he..

  3. Vita : Okay...... It's not problem....

  4. Efri : Okay........ with my pleasure...

  5. you MUST DO my essay !!!
    hahahahah.. :p

  6. ouw ouw ouw
    I think that we have the same hobby in journalistic.
    keep spirit!!
    go on
    hope all your wishes come true

  7. Nice dreams.. I am sure that your dreams will come true..Amin..hehe

  8. Have you ever tried to write a novel?

  9. do it with prayer too..
    perfect dream...
