Minggu, 29 April 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XI) -Mid test I and Mid Test II-

This week was my turn to do my class teaching both in the micro teaching class and junior class. It was very exciting. I could apply what I have learned in the micro teaching class. Moreover, I could share my knowledge for my students. After teaching, I know that being a teacher was not easy. I have to prepare many things related to what I have to teach. I have to master my materials well.
In my first progress test, I taught about reading skill. I learned how to convey my knowledge for my friends who are pretended as the senior high school students. At first, I felt nervous but I could overcome it. I was enjoying my role as a teacher. However, I had to improve my teaching skills. I got some comments from my lecturer, as follows:
1.       My introduction was good but I had to consider about the content of my video because it contained violence.
2.       I had to find a way to make my students understand the difficult terms (such as news item, newsworthy).
3.       I had to work hard to motivate my students to learn.
4.       I had to make sure that my students got the correct answers.
5.       I had to manage my time.
I also felt excited while I was teaching the junior class. I learned that I had to check the media before I was going to teach them. It was because there was a trouble with the speaker when I wanted to play the video as one of the media for the teaching-learning process. However, my students were very cooperative so that I could continue teaching them without finding any difficulties. I also got some comments from my observer, the lecturer in the speaking class II:
A.      Positive comments:
- I was confident.
- I mastered the material well.
- I could explain the students’ curiosity about some grammar problem.
B.      Negative comments :
-          I discussed the handout a lot.
-          I could re-explain the handout when I gave them feedback after they worked.
After performing my teaching skill both in the micro teaching class and junior class, I feel more confident now. In conclusion, I have to improve my skill more to be a good teacher. I hope I can give my best performance in my final test.

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