Ratnasari Nugraheni
Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta
Having a high motivation to help the students in learning will be good for the students themselves because it will lead the students to have a good achievement in their studies. Giving the homework for the students can be good but it can also give the bad effect for the students. Teachers have to conscious about this problem. They have to make help their students to have a high motivation in learning and throw away the low motivation in learning from the students themselves. Therefore, this paper will examine that too much homework will make the students stressful so that it will influence their motivation in learning to be lower than before.
According to Oxford dictionary, learning is the activity of obtaining the knowledg. Another definition which comes from Jeff Cobb is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes. However, to obtain the knowledge is not easy. Teacher has to do many things to make students obtain the knowledge from what teacher has given in a right way. The different ability to elicit the knowledge, the limitation of time, and the number of students in the classroom are the factors which make the teacher difficult to convey the material fairly for all students. Those factors encourage teacher to give homework in order to make the students comprehend the material well both in school and home. Homework is also believed that it can motivate students and build the students’ independent learning. According to Cooper's much-cited review of homework studies, there have been 20 studies since 1962 that compared the achievement of students who receive homework with students given no homework. Of these, 14 showed a benefit from doing homework, and six didn't.
On the contrary, homework can also make the students stressful when the teacher gives too much homework. It makes the burden for students because it will make the students to do the homework excessively until the students finish them. Therefore, too much homework will influence the way of students’ learning and motivation. Students will have a low motivation in learning because too much homework will make them stressful. Then, they will be lazy to study because they feel bored for learning. This digest will discuss that too much homework will not make the students improve their motivation in learning but it will make them feel stressful.
Achieving success in the classroom is the goal of all students. The important factor which encourages the students to achieve success is their motivation in learning. According to Reeve, students’ motivation is influenced by both internal and external factors that can start, sustain, intensify, or discourage behaviour. Ainley clarifies that the internal factors include the individual characteristics or dispositions that students bring to their learning, such as their interests, responsibility for learning, effort, values and perceived ability, and then the external factors are the variables in learning conditions and environment that trigger, support, or change student motivation.
The high motivation in learning will lead the students to achieve success as it is said by Ames that high motivation in students is linked to reduced dropout rates and increased levels of students’ success. Conversely, the low motivation in learning will make them failed. Nowadays, the amount of the high students’ motivation in learning decreases every year. There are many factors which influence it. According to Ainley, certain types of schooling practices may promote or hinder motivation, such as features of the classrooms, peer groups, tasks, and instructional practices.
According to Skinner and Belmont as it is cited by Cori Brewster and Jennifer Fager, a research has shown that teachers can influence students’ motivation; that certain practices do work to increase time spent on task; and that there are ways to make assigned work more engaging and more students become effective for students at all levels. Usually, the tasks which are given to students are in form of homework. Homework can promote independence and responsibility and homework can also help parents connect with what their children are learning in the school. However, homework can be worse when the teachers give too much homework for their students. The main purpose of the homework is to make the students comprehend more about the subjects and to motivate the students to learn more and more. However, when the teachers give too much homework, it will make the students bored because they do not have time to refresh their mind by doing other activities such as doing their hobbies like sport or sing. Therefore, the students will have the low motivation in learning because they do not have some factors which can support them to do it.
Too much homework is dangerous for the students. For that reason, teachers have to make the homework more effective for the students by making a good time allocation correlates with the amount of homework for the students.
Table 1.1 Time allocation for the homework per day.
Grade | Time Allocation |
1 – 3 | 20 minutes |
4 – 6 | 20 – 40 minutes |
7 – 9 | 1 – 2 hours |
Table 1.2 The correlation between time spend and homework.
Grade | The relation |
Primary school | Near zero |
Middle and junior high school | Positive but weak |
Senior high school | Moderate |
Based on research, NEA and the national PTA, in America, recommendations are in line with those suggested by Harris Cooper: 10 to 20 minutes per night in the first grade, and an additional 10 minutes per grade level thereafter (giving 2 hours for 12th grade). Then, In Britain, the government has laid down guidelines, recommending that children as young as five should do up to an hour a week of homework on reading, spelling, and numbers, rising to 1.5 hours per week for 8 – 9 years old, and 30 minutes a day for 10 and 11 years old.
Teachers should find the better way to make their students have a high motivation in learning. Homework is good to make the students motivate, but it has to be balance between the time spend and the amount of homework itself. Then, teachers have to find other ways to encourage the students in learning through the homework. According to Connie Frith, the factors which influence the students’ motivation to learn are curiosity, self-efficacy, attitude, need, competence, and external motivators. When the students have those components, it will be easy for teachers to teach. However, there are not all of the students have those components. Therefore, the teachers have to make the homework or the other assignments for learning look attractive as the way to make the students have a high motivation in learning.
Teachers also have to work together with the others, especially, school, an institution where they work. Schools can positively influence students’ motivation through: varied and integrated instructional strategies and resources, an open and caring school environment, a wide range of student supports, and then sharing information and responsibilities for student learning among the staff. These techniques all promote student motivation for educational success (Einspruch, Grover, Hahn, Guy, & Deck, 2001; Shore, 1998; Yair, 2000). Therefore, to help the students to improve their motivation needs all of effort from students, teachers, school, and environment surrounding.
Although homework has a purpose to make the students more understandable about the lesson, it will also give the bad effects for the students when the teachers give it in excessive amount. Too much homework will influence the students’ motivation. It will make a low motivation for the students because students will feel bored and stressful. Therefore, the teachers should find the better way to help the students to have a high motivation in learning. Teachers should know about a good time allocation to do the homework so that they can make a good portion for the homework. Teachers also have to make an attractive homework for their students so that students will not feel bored and stressful again.
Brewster, Cori and Jennifer Fager. 2000. Increasing student engagement and motivation: from time-on-task to homework. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Frith, Connie. (n.d.). Motivation to learn. Saskatchewan University.
Oxford University. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Fifth Edition. Oxford University press.
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