Jumat, 01 Juni 2012


Microteaching class has ended. Microteaching is only the warming-up activity of my teaching learning. It means that it is not the end of my teaching learning. I have to face the real world after this. I have to implement what I have learnt so far in English Language Education Study Program in my PPL. In this kind of program, I will know what the duty and responsibility to be a teacher are. Later, I have to teach the real students in a school. Therefore, I do not have to forget what teaching skill that I have learnt in the Microteaching class.
This semester, I have learnt how to be a good teacher. In my opinion, I do not have to be perfect. One thing that I have to know is learning. I have to learn my students’ characteristics and their needs. Although I have some standardization, I have to realize that my standardization is appropriate or not for my students. I have to make sure that I will not make a high or low standardization. It is also one of strategies that I have to do in my PPL later on.
I reflect many things in this class. I think that being a teacher is not just a profession but being a teacher is a wonderful art. I have to use all my creativities in teaching. It is not as simple as I think before. After doing some practices in my microteaching class, I realize that I have many weaknesses which should be improved. However, I can improve my weaknesses by learning from my friends’ performances. I know what strategies or media should be used for teaching listening, speaking, reading, or writing. For me, this class is a wonderful course that I have taken. I can obtain many advantages through microteaching class.
Now! I am ready for my PPL. I am going to do my best.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Microteaching (Part XIV)-Final test-

Okay. I have done it! This week was my last performance in the micro teaching class. I felt relief. I also got some feedback to improve my teaching skill; they are paying much attention to my language and teaching strategies. However, I did a good time-management in my last performance. It was a good improvement.Therefore, I am able to teach well in my PPL next semester.
From my observation, my friends also did good performances in their last performances. They had good teaching strategies and skill. In my opinion, it means that they are ready to do their PPL next semester.
Ganbatte!!!! ^.^

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XIII) -Final Test-

This was a thirteen week. I noticed that most of my friends had good performances. however, I noticed that their weaknesses were in the use of the media, especially when they were teaching listening. The recording was not good. Therefore, we as the students found the difficulties to find the answer based on the recording.
In my opinion, as the teacher, we should prepare all of the material and media which are used in the teaching-learning process well. Therefore, well-prepared is the key for the teacher to make success teaching.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XII) -Final Test-

Yeah! The twelve-week is the beginning period for the final test. After passing the first and the second progress tests, students are expected to teach better than the previous teaching through the feedbacks from the observers i.e. lecturer and other friends. This final test would be the last chance for the students to do the simulation before doing the PPL later on. Therefore, students have to do their best.
Based on my observation, most of my friends had done their best performances. I noticed that they had done many improvements in their class teaching. They had had good language awareness, class management, and teaching skills. It was very good. It encouraged me to have a good performance for my final test later on.
Yeah! Cheer up! Ganbatte.
Happy Final Test, my Micro Teaching!

Minggu, 29 April 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XI) -Mid test I and Mid Test II-

This week was my turn to do my class teaching both in the micro teaching class and junior class. It was very exciting. I could apply what I have learned in the micro teaching class. Moreover, I could share my knowledge for my students. After teaching, I know that being a teacher was not easy. I have to prepare many things related to what I have to teach. I have to master my materials well.
In my first progress test, I taught about reading skill. I learned how to convey my knowledge for my friends who are pretended as the senior high school students. At first, I felt nervous but I could overcome it. I was enjoying my role as a teacher. However, I had to improve my teaching skills. I got some comments from my lecturer, as follows:
1.       My introduction was good but I had to consider about the content of my video because it contained violence.
2.       I had to find a way to make my students understand the difficult terms (such as news item, newsworthy).
3.       I had to work hard to motivate my students to learn.
4.       I had to make sure that my students got the correct answers.
5.       I had to manage my time.
I also felt excited while I was teaching the junior class. I learned that I had to check the media before I was going to teach them. It was because there was a trouble with the speaker when I wanted to play the video as one of the media for the teaching-learning process. However, my students were very cooperative so that I could continue teaching them without finding any difficulties. I also got some comments from my observer, the lecturer in the speaking class II:
A.      Positive comments:
- I was confident.
- I mastered the material well.
- I could explain the students’ curiosity about some grammar problem.
B.      Negative comments :
-          I discussed the handout a lot.
-          I could re-explain the handout when I gave them feedback after they worked.
After performing my teaching skill both in the micro teaching class and junior class, I feel more confident now. In conclusion, I have to improve my skill more to be a good teacher. I hope I can give my best performance in my final test.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

My reflection in microteaching class- Part X

This week, I found that one of my friends used the appropriate recording to teach listening. He preferred to make a recording. It was good because he paid much attention about the students abilities and skill. The recording was understandable enough. The duration was also good enough for the students in senior high school. I learned that to be a good teacher, we had to comprehend our students needs and condition to follow the lesson.
I also learned how to teach speaking. My friend taught about the degree of formality in speaking. It was very interesting and good. The students had to know how to speak formal in order to show their polite attitudes. Therefore, the students will have a good personality later on.
This week, one of my friend had a turn to do the class teaching for the junior class. It was also interesting because I could learn how to teach the junior class next week. My friend had a high language awareness. Therefore, the students were very understood about the lesson. Next week will be my turn to teach. I hope I will be success both in micro teaching class and junior class.

Minggu, 15 April 2012

My Reflection in Micro Teaching Class (Part IX) - Mid Test I -

This was the second week that we had a progress test I in micro teaching class. Based on my friends’ performances, I had learned many things about how to manage the class. I also paid much attention on their lesson plans and skills to teach English. To teach reading, we have to focus on scanning and skimming skills. There are many ways which we can do to improve their reading skills. We can persuade them to guess the topic of the text by analyzing it based on the title. As they know the topic, it will be easy for them to know what the main idea of each paragraph is. While they are reading, teacher has to make them able to guess some important information from the text by relating it to the topic. Guessing is also important when the students find some difficult words. Teacher can persuade the students to read the text and ask them to guess the meaning from the text.

To teach writing is not easy. As teachers, we have to make sure that the students understand the steps how to write. To motivate the students to write is a big challenge for teacher. Finding an idea is a big problem for them. Therefore, teachers have to find some creative ways to encourage students to write. However, we also have to know about our students’ abilities. Based on my friend’s performance, I found that there are some inappropriate lessons for the students for senior high school. I also noticed that there was a misleading about how to teach writing. In my opinion, instead of explaining or reviewing about the generic structure and language features, we should directly practice them to produce their writings on the certain topic. Moreover, the term of ‘language features’ was not appropriate for the students in senior high school. In my opinion, what we want to learn for students should come up from the text.

Teaching listening is not easy. As teachers, we have to make sure that we teach the skill, for example, teaching the students how to predict the answer by underlining the keywords while the students are listening and teaching the students how to take some notes from the recording. However, as teachers, we also have to make sure that the recording is appropriate for students or not; and whether it is difficult or not for the students in senior high school.

To teach speaking is not easy. Teachers have to make sure that their teaching’s strategy motivates the students to speak. While the students are speaking, teachers have to pay attention to the grammar and pronunciation. While the students make some mistakes related to that, teachers should directly correct it. Therefore, they will not make some mistakes again. In my opinion, this week, my friends had done their best performances. Congratulation for them!