Jumat, 01 Juni 2012


Microteaching class has ended. Microteaching is only the warming-up activity of my teaching learning. It means that it is not the end of my teaching learning. I have to face the real world after this. I have to implement what I have learnt so far in English Language Education Study Program in my PPL. In this kind of program, I will know what the duty and responsibility to be a teacher are. Later, I have to teach the real students in a school. Therefore, I do not have to forget what teaching skill that I have learnt in the Microteaching class.
This semester, I have learnt how to be a good teacher. In my opinion, I do not have to be perfect. One thing that I have to know is learning. I have to learn my students’ characteristics and their needs. Although I have some standardization, I have to realize that my standardization is appropriate or not for my students. I have to make sure that I will not make a high or low standardization. It is also one of strategies that I have to do in my PPL later on.
I reflect many things in this class. I think that being a teacher is not just a profession but being a teacher is a wonderful art. I have to use all my creativities in teaching. It is not as simple as I think before. After doing some practices in my microteaching class, I realize that I have many weaknesses which should be improved. However, I can improve my weaknesses by learning from my friends’ performances. I know what strategies or media should be used for teaching listening, speaking, reading, or writing. For me, this class is a wonderful course that I have taken. I can obtain many advantages through microteaching class.
Now! I am ready for my PPL. I am going to do my best.