Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Microteaching (Part XIV)-Final test-

Okay. I have done it! This week was my last performance in the micro teaching class. I felt relief. I also got some feedback to improve my teaching skill; they are paying much attention to my language and teaching strategies. However, I did a good time-management in my last performance. It was a good improvement.Therefore, I am able to teach well in my PPL next semester.
From my observation, my friends also did good performances in their last performances. They had good teaching strategies and skill. In my opinion, it means that they are ready to do their PPL next semester.
Ganbatte!!!! ^.^

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XIII) -Final Test-

This was a thirteen week. I noticed that most of my friends had good performances. however, I noticed that their weaknesses were in the use of the media, especially when they were teaching listening. The recording was not good. Therefore, we as the students found the difficulties to find the answer based on the recording.
In my opinion, as the teacher, we should prepare all of the material and media which are used in the teaching-learning process well. Therefore, well-prepared is the key for the teacher to make success teaching.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

The Reflection of Micro Teaching Class (Part XII) -Final Test-

Yeah! The twelve-week is the beginning period for the final test. After passing the first and the second progress tests, students are expected to teach better than the previous teaching through the feedbacks from the observers i.e. lecturer and other friends. This final test would be the last chance for the students to do the simulation before doing the PPL later on. Therefore, students have to do their best.
Based on my observation, most of my friends had done their best performances. I noticed that they had done many improvements in their class teaching. They had had good language awareness, class management, and teaching skills. It was very good. It encouraged me to have a good performance for my final test later on.
Yeah! Cheer up! Ganbatte.
Happy Final Test, my Micro Teaching!