In the second week of micro teaching class, I learned about the teaching skills. It is about how teacher should do and consider when they are teaching. They are six skills:
Set induction skill is the ability how to open the teaching and learning activities. There are four things which we can do to open the teaching and learning activities:
a. Greetings by showing eye-contact, smile, energetic, and cheerful.
b. Introducing the material by asking questions, giving example in form of storytelling, doing the games (but we have to consider the time allocation and the correlation between the games and the topic’s lesson), and using media (should be relevant, meaningful, and interesting).
c. Referring to the previous material.
d. Informing the students today’s lesson objectives.
Set closure skill is the ability how to close the lesson. There are four things which we can do to close the lesson:
a. Summarizing by asking questions.
b. Giving assignments or homework.
c. Informing the next lesson (relating today’s lesson with the next one).
d. Concluding remarks. For example: saying ‘good bye’ or ‘thank you’.
Explaining skill is the ability how to explain the lesson. In this case, we have to master the subject in order to explain the lesson well.
Stimulus-variation skill is the ability how to stimulate students to learn. In this case, teacher should be creative in teaching.
Questioning skill is the ability how to provide the question which is really good for student to learn the subject. In this case, we should remain the Bloom’s taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation).
Reinforcement skill can be punishment.
I also learned about the interaction style which can be done in the class, they are:
1. Teacher-the whole class
2. Teacher-one student
3. Student-student(s) (It can be group discussion or presentation in front of the class)
In the following meeting in micro teaching class, I practiced how to teach one student for fifteen minutes. This part was really exciting because I could pretend myself as a teacher. I also knew what I had to do to improve teaching’s skill. This activity was cooperative activity because my friend and I could learn how to teach well by giving comments for each others.
From my friend’s comment, I have done the set induction very well by opening the class using games to grab the student’s attention to follow the class. I gave a good game for my student because the game related to the material. However, I had to improve my set closure skill because I forgot to review one part of my materials. I also had to improve the concluding remarks, as my friend said to me; I was like a television presenter when I closed the class. For the last, I had to give the clear and specific objectives.
In my conclusion, preparation and mastery the subject are the most important things which should be considered by teacher. Those things can make the teachers become more confident when they are teaching.