Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Figurative Language

=> The substitution of one idea or object with another, used to assist expression or understanding.
Example : My class is a hell.

=> When you make a thing or an animal do something only humans can do.
Example : The sea says something to me.

=> The rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it, such as describing someone's clothing to characterize the individual.
Example : Lend me your ears.

=> A statement that appears to contradict itself.
Example : Green is gold.

=> An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect.
Example : Everything that I have in the world.

=> A figure of speech in which deliberately makes a situation seem less important or less serious than it.
Example : They go calmly about their task about sacrificing without any excitement.

=> The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.
Example: Your written is really beautiful therefore I can’t read it.

=> A figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, a place, event, literary work, myth, or work of art, either directly or by implication.
Example : Like the prodigal son, he returned to his home town and was welcomed by all who knew him.

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

The Intrinsic Aspect of Literature

1. Character
 A figure in a story, poem, or play that has a special personality which is different from the others.
Example: In a story “Aladin”, we have character Aladin and Jasmine.

2. Setting
 The explanation of time, place, condition, and social environment.
Example: In a story “Cinderella”, the party took place in the palace at night.

3. Theme
 The main idea which is underlying a story, poem, or play.
Example: In a story “Snow White”, we have a theme: “We have to be grateful and don’t be jealous of the others.

4. Plot
 The sequence of the actions and events in a story.
Example: In the story of “Romeo and Juliet”,
Romeo falls in love with Juliet -> Their parents don’t like if they have a relationship -> Their relationship is backstreet -> Their parents know about it -> They separate them -> Romeo and Juliet are suicide together.
5. Symbol
 A word which is representing more than its literal meaning.
Example: Winter represents the death, sleep, hibernation, or stagnation.

6. Point of View
 The position or perspective which explains where is the writer in her or his story.
Example: In the recount, we usually use first point of view (it always uses the subject ‘I’). In a Cinderela story, we usually use third point of view (it always uses the subject ‘she’ or ‘he’).

7. Imagery
 Describing of a story, poem, and play. It connects with our five senses, appeals to sight (visual images), there is also images of touch (tactile), sound (auditory), taste (gustatory), and smells (olfactory).

8. Meter
 A recurring pattern of stressed (accented, or long) and unstressed (unaccented, or short) syllables in lines of a set length.

9. Figurative Language
 A literary language which is representing a meaning of the writer thought.
There are Methapor, Personification, Metonymy, Paradoks, Overstatement/Hyperbole, Understatement, Irony, Allusion

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

LAMPUNG => Descriptive

Lampung is one of the provinces in Indonesia. It is a large province. It was legalized as a province on 18 March 1964. It is located in South East of Sumatra Island. The coordinate is between 105°45'-103°48' East Longitude dan 3°45'-6°45' South Latitude. It borders on South Sumatra in the north, Sea Java in the east, Sunda Strait in the south, and Hindia Ocean in the west. It is an interesting province because the culture is so different with the others.

The width of Lampung is 35,376 km2 therefore the population in Lampung is also high. There are 7.348.623 people who live in Lampung. The density is 208 people/km2. It has 12 regencies. They are West Lampung, South Lampung, Central Lampung, East Lampung, North Lampung, Way Kanan, Tanggamus, Tulang Bawang, Pesawaran, Pringsewu, West Tulangbawang, and Mesuji. There are two big cities in Lampung. They are Bandar Lampung and Metro. Actually, Bandar Lampung is the capital of Lampung. There are many important places, offices, and building which are located in this city, such as cinema, hypermarket, company, and so on.

“Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai” is the slogan of Lampung. It means that Lampung is a one place which has two kinds of people and languages. The people are Sai Batin and Pepadun. Sai Batin means one leader and Pepadun means that the leader is a person who can take a decision and he is called a king. The languages are Api (accent A) and Nyow (Accent O). Each of them has own characteristic. Although they are different from the others, the ceremony and rule are same. There is Lampung script which is called “Had Lappung”. It has 20 characters. It is different from alphabet or Java script.

Lampung has two interesting places which are very well-known. They are Way Kambas and Batu Tegi. Way Kambas is a place to nurse the elephant. There are many elephants which are kept at there. Therefore, elephant is one of the special animals in Lampung. Batu tegi is a dam. It is the biggest dam in South East Asian. It is located in Talang Padang, in Tanggamus regency. The scenery is so beautiful. There is a bridge which is very long and the visitors can look the scenery very clear from this place. The dam is so big. It is like a very big lake. The visitors can cross the dam by ship. In the evening, they also can enjoy the sunset.

Now, Lampung has many places for tourism. There are also many souvenirs which are made in Lampung. Tapis is the well-known cloth from Lampung. There are many designs of Tapis. It can’t be made by machine. It is made pure by hand. Therefore, the price of Tapis is so expensive. Lampung also has a special coffee. People from many places very like Lampung coffee because it is very delicious. The aroma is very nice. It is original from Lampung.