Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Can You Guess It?

Sanata Dharma University (USD) is my campus. It is located in Mrican. Now, I want to tell you about a place in my campus. Maybe you can try to guess what is the name of this place. Actually, It's one of famous place in my campus. Oke, Let I start to describe it for you.

This place is very familiar among student in English Education Study Programme ( PBI ) because it is very close to PBI's area. It isn't a room but just like away which connects Sanata Dharma's building side by side. If there is a break time, this place will be crowded. This place is one of the favorite place in my campus because when we stay at there, we will feel fresh. It is because a place is near a big banyan tree.So, it makes this place cool because the banyan tree is leafy. So, if you stay in this place, you will feel comfortable.

At night, this place is really beautiful. There are lamps at side along this place so it’s made this place looks more beautifully. This place is very important like a bridge which connects a place side by side and it can make you don’t need a long time to move from PBI’s area to go to hall or canteen. This place is very strategic. You can see a lot of view of Sanata Dharma's building because it is located in the middle of building but it is not included of the building as a room. This place is just like away. You can see many fresh grasses which are surrounding it.

Can you guess? What is its name? I think you know what its name and I'm sure that you have passed it.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

The Story About Me

My name is Ratnasari Nugraheni. My friends usually call me Sari. I am 18 years old now. I come from Lampung but now I am in Yogyakarta. I live alone in Yogyakarta. I live in a boarding house which is located on STM Pembangunan street No. 15 D, Mrican.

I have a straight black hair. My height is about 156 centimeters and my weight is about 48 kilograms. I have a brown skin and chubby cheeks. I am not a feminine girl but I am not a masculine. Some of my friends say that I am a sporty girl. I hope you can imagine what do I look like and of course I am not an ugly girl. :)

Although I am from Lampung but my family is from Java. My mother is from Central Java. My mother is a career woman and my father is a teacher in senior high school. I am a second child in my family. I have one brother, his name is Lutvianus Satria Kusuma. I also have a sister, her name is Evelin Surya Puspita Jaya Wardani. She has married and now she has one child. Her child is a boy and he is two years old now and also very cute. I very miss him.

I have three hobbies. They are playing music, reading, and writing. In my leisure time, I always spend it with playing a guitar that is to improve my talent in music. I also love reading because it can makes me have a new idea and topic to writing. I like to read a book which tells about knowledge and real story about someone or something. Actually, I have two dreams. My dreams are I want to be a journalist in a magazine or a newspaper and an author. That's way I very like reading and writing. I hope my dreams become true.